Task One: Media Magazine article and questions 1) Keith Perch used to edit the Leicester Mercury . How many staff did it have at its peak and where does Perch see the paper in 10 years' time? Keith Perch had 130 journalists by his side. Kieth Perch saw the paper, if still in print, as a weekly paper, very expensive and with a low circulation but if online, there will be fewer staff. 2) How does Perch view the phone hacking scandal? The fact that the police didn't handle the case well , the newspapers had to intervene thus, according to Perch, the newspapers were caught in the midst of it. 3) What does IPSO stand for and how does it work? Independent Press Standards Organisation. IPSO works as a complaints union. If a newspaper hasn't dealt with a complaint within 28 days, then the IPSO complaint committee will intervene and see if the Editor’s Code of Practice has been broken. If broken the committee demands corrections to the page 4) Wh...
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