PPE Learner Response
1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best learning you can do all year as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:
Q1 additional point/theory: Barthes: action and enigma codes; action code of weapon, facial expressions etc,
Excellent and judicious use of the theoretical framework (media language &
narrative theory) to analyse how the magazine cover uses narrative.
Q2 additional point/theory/CSP reference: mans life:bell hooks: “normalised traumatisation” – a good example of the way society defines male and female gender characteristics and the damage this can do. maybelline: Bell boy characters reflects change in culture and society – traditionally masculine role/appearance but ends advert in purple jacket putting on mascara.
Excellent knowledge and understanding of the influences of the social and cultural contexts on media products that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective reference to the set products.
Q3 additional point/theory/CSP reference: Jean Kilbourne’s work on the representation of women in advertising can be found in the Score hair cream advert. This presents women as objects and reinforces many of the negative, reductive stereotypes seen with regards to women in advertising from the 1950s until at least the 1990s (and arguably to this day).
Excellent knowledge and understanding of gender theories that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective examples from the product.
3) The final question in Section A was a 20-mark essay that required an extended response containing a coherent argument. Using the suggested content in the mark scheme, write an essay plan containing five paragraphs/points that answer the music video and postmodernism question.

4) Section B began with two questions testing your knowledge of industry terminology. Make sure you know the answers to these (get the answers from the mark scheme if you have to):
Two benefits of vertical integration: Greater control of the production process,Lower costs and higher profits
Definition of diversification: Greater control of the production process, Lower costs and higher profits
5) Question 8 (TV industry) was arguably the hardest question on the exam. Write a new paragraph that answers the question referring to either Capital or Deutschland 83 and the global TV industry. Use the indicative content in the mark scheme to help you.
Deutschland 83 reflects the global nature of the television industry in a much stronger light than Capital, this is because of the fact that the drama is an internationally co-funded production – German/American money, which means that its a connection between two global countries which then leads into the idea of globalization and how the world is more globalized than before. Deutschland 83 also highlights the increase in foreign-language TV drama as the show is primarily streamed on Walter Presents (VOD Channel 4)- a video streaming service of UK's Channel 4 and it specialises in foreign language drama. Audiences have increasingly become more comfortable
with subtitles and open to stories told over many hours, this powerfully emphasizes d83's successfully reflecting the global nature of the TV industry. However some representations didn't settle well with some audiences specifically the German audience as some felt that it didn't effectively reflect the social and cultural context of Germany of the time in with D83 is set.
- www: good knowldege and analysis of the CSP'S (q1/q7)
- ebi: timing- you must write a more developed response to q8
- 44/84 C-
2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. This is some of the best learning you can do all year as it gives you an idea of what the exam board is expecting. For your LR blogpost, identify ONE point you could have added for the first three questions in Section A:
Q1 additional point/theory: Barthes: action and enigma codes; action code of weapon, facial expressions etc,
Excellent and judicious use of the theoretical framework (media language &
narrative theory) to analyse how the magazine cover uses narrative.
Q2 additional point/theory/CSP reference: mans life:bell hooks: “normalised traumatisation” – a good example of the way society defines male and female gender characteristics and the damage this can do. maybelline: Bell boy characters reflects change in culture and society – traditionally masculine role/appearance but ends advert in purple jacket putting on mascara.
Excellent knowledge and understanding of the influences of the social and cultural contexts on media products that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective reference to the set products.
Q3 additional point/theory/CSP reference: Jean Kilbourne’s work on the representation of women in advertising can be found in the Score hair cream advert. This presents women as objects and reinforces many of the negative, reductive stereotypes seen with regards to women in advertising from the 1950s until at least the 1990s (and arguably to this day).
Excellent knowledge and understanding of gender theories that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective examples from the product.
3) The final question in Section A was a 20-mark essay that required an extended response containing a coherent argument. Using the suggested content in the mark scheme, write an essay plan containing five paragraphs/points that answer the music video and postmodernism question.
4) Section B began with two questions testing your knowledge of industry terminology. Make sure you know the answers to these (get the answers from the mark scheme if you have to):
Two benefits of vertical integration: Greater control of the production process,Lower costs and higher profits
Definition of diversification: Greater control of the production process, Lower costs and higher profits
5) Question 8 (TV industry) was arguably the hardest question on the exam. Write a new paragraph that answers the question referring to either Capital or Deutschland 83 and the global TV industry. Use the indicative content in the mark scheme to help you.
Deutschland 83 reflects the global nature of the television industry in a much stronger light than Capital, this is because of the fact that the drama is an internationally co-funded production – German/American money, which means that its a connection between two global countries which then leads into the idea of globalization and how the world is more globalized than before. Deutschland 83 also highlights the increase in foreign-language TV drama as the show is primarily streamed on Walter Presents (VOD Channel 4)- a video streaming service of UK's Channel 4 and it specialises in foreign language drama. Audiences have increasingly become more comfortable
with subtitles and open to stories told over many hours, this powerfully emphasizes d83's successfully reflecting the global nature of the TV industry. However some representations didn't settle well with some audiences specifically the German audience as some felt that it didn't effectively reflect the social and cultural context of Germany of the time in with D83 is set.
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