Maybelline 'That Boss Life' case study and wider reading

'That Boss Life' close textual analysis

1) Narrative & genre: narrative theory and sub-genre
  • propp character types- bell boy : donor ( served Manny and Shayla ), manny and shayla (transformed bell boy),-mission: get mascara, fame and  looking flawless.
  • barthes- enigma code of suitcase- ambiguous of what its function is 
  • todorov- equilibrium: get to the apartment-> disequilibrium: not dressed, new equilibrium: manny and shayla get to use the mascara promoted.
  • genre/sub-genre: coming of age,reality TV, comedy 
2) Cinematography: camera shots and movement
  • verbal codes and products promotion-synergy
  • promotion of mascara through close ups of the eyes
  • modern editing
3) Mise-en-scene: costume & props
  • costumes: normal and casual to glam and expensive - with help of mascara 
  • use of repetition of mascara to continually promote
  • props- suitcase- action/spy movie codes-mystery and enigma
4) Mise-en-scene: actors, setting, lighting and colour
  • youtubers as actors that subvert traditional stereotypes in society
  • sfx used - enhance glamorous side of the commercial
  • luxury apartment- luxurious setting: wealth, power  
5) Editing: pace, transitions and visual effects
  • bright and gold enhancement- luxury, audience pleasures 
  • slow motion-pace- focus on the mascara- promotion, later speeds up as effect of mascara 
6) Graphics: text/graphics on screen
  • social media promotion: hashtags
  • pack shot :gold 
7) Sound: dialogue, music and sound effects
  • music- upbeat and modern
  • non diagetic sound
Maybelline 'That Boss Life': wider reading

1) Why was this campaign such a landmark for beauty product advertising?
  • first male to represent maybelline as the main representative
  • promotion of gender equality and makeup being gender fluid
  • the use of a you tube star who has become as professional public figure
  • representation of the LGBT community

2) What do the articles suggest regarding the changing representation of sexuality and masculinity?
  • over time the representations of sexuality and masculinity have changed and have become more fluid and societies are now more accepting of it 

3) Why might 'digital influencers' be so attractive to companies?
  • digital influencers already have a large fan-base and following on many social platforms  therefore the product companies sell will be promoted effectively through their clients loyal fan base
4) Why do you think Maybelline chose to use MannyMUA and MakeUpShayla in particular?

  • Both MannyMUA and MakeupByShayla are social media influencers who are public figures already so companies would be attracted into using them to promote their products 
  • manny is an openly gay male makeup artists do shayla is a succulent black female so these people are used to represent minority groups in their advertisements which shows that makeup isn't just for one gender, race or ethnicity etc..

  • 5) What does the WWD article suggest is the crucial factor for brands regardless of whether they use influencers or more traditional celebrities?

  • The article suggests that the crucial factor for brands is if the influencer or celebrity has credible social media 

1) What message does the article suggest the Score hair cream advert is trying to communicate to the 1967 audience?

The article suggests that the advert communicates female sexuality (traditional) and men being desirable, strong and free

2) How does the article suggest the Score hair cream advert uses narrative to sell the product?

The narrative suggests that If consumers have their product in their hands and use it they will be able to have anything and evrything in the world .

3) What 1967 stereotypes does the article suggest the Score hair cream advert reinforces?

The advert reinforces traditional gender stereotypes by which male and females conform to different stereotypes that have been constructed by society. For example the male figure is put up on a pedestal and is presented as a strong and powerful man which reinforced traditional masculinity whereas the female is seen as serving the male and seen as less superior than the male, this reinforces the female stereotypes of fragility , need for male attention etc...

4) Applying Stuart Hall's reception theory, what does the article suggest the preferred and oppositional readings could be for the Score hair cream advert?

Preferred reading: if males use this product they will have all females "hunting" him and wanting him for their desires. Females would be seen as having a certain body type,skin tone and be "beautiful"
with the Eurocentric beauty standards.
Oppositional reading:females are supporting the male figure and the male is less superior because he
is singled out by the females who are strong and powerful.

5) Moving on to the Maybelline advert, why is the background of Manny Gutierrez and Shayla Mitchell significant?

Manny guiterreZ is a Mexican-American beauty you tuber aswell as Instagram persona who is openly gay , and shayla is a coloured female beauty vlogger with a substantial social media following

6) What is the narrative of the Maybelline advert?

If anyone uses the mascara by maybelline they will feel like "a million dollars" with the luxurious things and refined lifestyle with expensive clothes and happiness
7) What does the article suggest the Maybelline advert's message is?

The adverts message is purely to set a powerful atmosphere and glamorous life if one has a positive and powerful mindset like MannyMUA and MakeupByShayla

8) The final section of the article focuses on masculinity. What do the Score advert and the

Maybelline advert suggest regarding the changes in society and media between 1967 and 2017?
The score hair cream advert reinforces traditional gender stereotypes where male and female have different ways of life and aesthetic they should be living by by which makes are more superior and deserve more than females . The maybelline advert subverts this and suggest that instead of having these very segregated stereotypes on gender ,everyone is seen as being able to live as they wish and regardless of their gender they are able to express themselves through makeup freely. These two different representations show that societies have evolved and have changed and have become less set on conforming to gender and sexuality stereotypes because as of now gender isn't see as a huge factor in people's lives 


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