Oh Comely audience

Oh Comely - Audience blog tasks

1) How does Oh Comely introduce itself?

  • Oh comely presents itself  as “stylish” is  much loved by its targeted readers.  Oh comely provides an alternative to the ‘pile-it-high-sell-it-cheap’ aesthetic of mainstream magazines 
  • Oh comely suggests that it’s readers are if a niche demographic aimed females.

2) How do the print circulation/readership statistics for Oh Comely compare to Men's Health?

Oh comely 

Oh comely has a social media reach of 100,000
  • The readers per issue are suggested to  reach  25,000
  •  The average age being 27
Men’s health 
  • Men’s health has circulation of 146,000 
  • a readership close to 1 million 
Men’s health has a significantly larger print circulation than oh comely 

3) How is Oh Comely distributed to the audience?
  • Oh comely is distributed through independent establishments like WHSmith and other international outlets 

4) What do you think the target audience demographics for Oh Comely might be? Some details are provided by the magazine (e.g. average age 27) but make an educated guess on further demographic details.

  • The target audience demographic for oh comely is most likely to be a young professional female in her early 20’s
  • This type of magazine is very niche and talks about female empowerment and independence with women so therefore the reader is most likely to identify with these types of ideologies.
5) What psychographic groups might be attracted to Oh Comely?

  • The psychographic that would be most attracted to oh comely would most likely be a reformer , an aspirer and an explorer as this magazine offers new topics, styles , music for its audience to indulge In 
6) What social class classification would you expect most Oh Comely readers to be? Why?
  • The readers are most likely to be of AB classification as the magazine is quite High brand that people with highly disposable incomes are able to afforded quite often 
7) What level of education would you expect for most Oh Comely readers? Why?
  • I believe that the oh comely readers are of a highly educated background so at least of graduate level , this is due to the amount of text present in the articles which is lent “dumbed down” like other mainstream magazines 
8) What audience pleasures are offered by Oh Comely?
  • Personal identity: identification with the article stars as well as cover stars 
  • Surveillance : world news and other information to educate readers 
9) It has been suggested Oh Comely is a “magazine about people, their quirks and creativity rather than money and what it can buy”. How does the design and advertising content of Oh Comely support this view?
  • The design is over a minimalist style which therefore suggests a quality over quantity approach
  • There is also minimal advertising within the magazine as the editors are more focused on educating and sparking the creativity within their audiences 
10) Why do you think Oh Comely has been able to build a loyal audience of subscribers in the eight years since it launched? Think about audience demand, rival magazines and the overall media landscape in the digital age.
  • I think that oh comely has been able to build a loyal fan base due to its unique approach at grabbing readers attention as well as only publishing selectively throughout the year which means that readers aren’t “bombarded” with overly advertised mainstream content.


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