Newspaper news story research (cont)
Singer Anne Marie issues mortified apology after appearing in TV sketch where Ant & Dec wore headbands displaying Japan's controversial Rising Sun flag.

- This is soft news as it addresses celebrity news.
- The article talks about the singer Anne Marie who appeared on a TV show with Ant and Dec who wore the Japanese rising sun symbol on headbands which was culturally sensitive. The singer issued an apology aswell as ITV who told the Daily Mail, "' We apologise for any offence caused during the End of the Show Show by the costumes worn.". The rising sun: The symbol once thought by the Japanese to light the darkness of the world, became a symbol of darkness to the rest of Asia. In former Japanese occupied countries, the rising sun flag symbolizes Japanese imperial aggression and war crimes.
- I think this appeals to the newspaper's audience as it suggests the branching out of audience appeal of the daily mail.
- I don't think this is an example of clickbait as the article provides video evidence. It reflects the Daily Mail through how it addresses world issues and history.
How marriage and a baby was always non-negotiable for Carrie Symonds who had date nights at her mother's local Italian and cosy evenings oil-painting together with Boris Johnson

- This is soft news.
- This article focuses on the partner of the prime minister who allegedly has been pregnant for some time and has been open about the 'secret' at Westminister. The timing appears to have been deliberately planned to come after Johnson's divorce from his estranged wife, barrister Marina Wheeler – mother of four of his children – was finalised. It was considered then that this could pave the way for a potential marriage to Carrie, speculation which Boris has always insisted
- was 'a tiny bit premature'. But friends have always claimed that he would propose after his divorce went through.
- Though this is soft news it does address the life of the prime minister and politics which is right up the daily Mail's alley of news coverage
- This is not clickbait and with the mention of politics and Brexit, it fits the values of the newspaper.
BTS tour 2020: everything we know about their Twickenham Stadium UK show and the world tour dates

- This is soft news. It's about celebrity news
- The article focuses on the tour of popular boyband BTS who are coming to the Uk and performing at Twickhenma stadium. The article talks about the rise of the South Korean boyband and how record-breaking their music has made them. The band will play two headline shows at London's Twickenham Stadium - on 3 and 4 July. It is not yet known whether the
- band will play any other dates in the UK; while the majority of the tour's dates have been announced, a couple on the poster (13 and 14 June) have no cities assigned to them. Fans will be speculating as to where those shows will be held, and British fans will be crossing their fingers that they're on these shores.
- This fits the values of the newspaper who are very diverse and talk about the world with as least biased views as possible.
Priti Patel's Cabinet track record is not just down to bad luck

- This is hard news as it talks about politics.
- Priti Patel has been in the press recently for her alleged aggressive actions in the government which aren't as recent as some people think they are. When Priti Patel was forced to resign from her role as international development secretary, she had been in the post for just 14 months. Theresa May gave Ms Patel the ultimatum of falling on her own sword or be sacked after it transpired she had held meetings with the Israeli government without informing the Foreign Office or Downing Street.
- This fits the ideologies of the I as its heavily left wong and is clearly shaming tory government officials
Schoolboy, 16, who hugged Meghan Markle says mother is his real hero 'for taking care of me and my three brothers' as he admits his ego 'won't fit in the door when I get back to school'

Schoolboy, 16, who hugged Meghan Markle says mother is his real hero 'for taking care of me and my three brothers' as he admits his ego 'won't fit in the door when I get back to school'

- The article talks about the young boy who complimented Meghan Markle and his views on feminism.
- He then talks about the fact that his mother Shorell is his true hero, "she takes care of me and my three brothers, she isn’t just a mum and she has a life as well, which is usually a stereo type, she is an athlete, she plays netball."
- This is an anomaly of Daily Mail content as usually Meghan Markle is demonised but in this article she is linked to female empowerment.
- This is not an example of clickbait.
- This is an example of soft news
No wonder East Asians are marginalised when they're ignored by television

- This is an example of hard news as it tackles the topic of marginalisation.
- This article talks about how the outbreak of the coronavirus has meant many east asians have been targeted and some have been bullied and abused.
- The article then talks about the Canadian-Korean actress Sandra Oh who suggests that "We have gone backwards if anything" which suggests the lack of diversity in media amongst east Asians.
- "Invariably the roles are crude stereotypes. “East Asian females are there to be pliant lotus blossoms or older, fierce dragon ladies. East Asian males are brutish or geeky with no inner life, no charisma, wit, romantic inclinations, nothing,”
- This reflects the values of The I who is more liberal and left wing than the Daily Mail.
Heartbroken wife pays tribute to her 'soul mate' retired policeman husband, 59, who has become the youngest coronavirus patient in Britain to die as toll rises by 14 to 35

- This is an example of continuity and hard news.
- The news article talks about a wife of a corona virus victim who had underlying health conditions and died yesterday (14/03/20)
- Wife Mary Matthews said he was her 'life partner', 'soul mate' and 'best friend'
- UK Coronavirus fatalities increased by 14 overnight making total death toll 35
- This does not include any click bait as the topics discussed are all serious to the nation which mean the Daily Mail shouldn't talk advantage on it for 'clicks'
Pokemon Go Pokemon Day event: armoured Mewtwo, how to clone Pikachu and how long it lasts

- This is an example of soft news
- This article targets a niche audiences of gamer, specifically Pokemon go players, this hinting at the I's attempt into a diverse audience. This links to the idea of The i being more open minded and progressive than The Daily Mail as they are appealing to minute audiences.
- The article summarises a tutorial into how to catch a pokemon called Mewtwo: Mewtwo will only appear in 5-star raids. As a bonus, it will now come with the psychic-type Charged attack, Psystrike.
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