Industry and social media

Industry: Condé Nast

1) Research Teen Vogue publisher Condé Nast. What other magazines do they publish and how much money did they make last year?

  •  Condé Nast is a mass media conglomerate that publishes several well-known magazines such as Allure, Architectural, DigestBon, AppétitCondé Nast TravelerGQThe New YorkerVanity, FairVogueWiredArs TechnicaBackchanEpicuriousGlamourPitchfork and Teen Vogue
  • Condé Nast reported a pre-tax loss of £13.6m in 2017 – a huge swing from the £6.6m profit recorded the previous year.

2) What are Teen Vogue’s main sources of income?

  • Teen Vogues main source of income comes from selling advertising space that is provided through the algorithm. 
  • The website also monetises their customer data and loyalty and encourage their readers to register online for updates, offers and access to the ‘Insider’ area of the website. This data could  then be sold to other companies or used to attract ‘advertorial’ or sponsored content- cookies.  
  • Teen Vogue also has a YouTube channel that has videos that almost all surpass 1 million-plus views ( digital convergence) .

3) How are traditionally print-based products like Teen Vogue diversifying to create new income streams?

  • Traditionally print-based products are diversifying by creating Youtube channels and creating summits that readers can come and attend where merchandise is sold and vast amounts of money are made .

4) Why is sponsored content and ‘advertorial’ particularly important in media linked to the fashion industry?

  • Editorial and sponsored content helps to create a strong desire in the target audience for products featured.

5) Do you view Teen Vogue’s content as a form of public service media or is Condé Nast simply interested in clicks and profit?

  • I view Teen Vogues content of a mixture of public service and simple capitalism, this is due to the fact that Teen Vogue creates progressive content that challenges the mainstream and other magazines aimed at young people which, to me, is lead to suggest that Teen Vogue has some passion for educating and informing an impressionable audience. However, it is still a large business that needs to make money in order to remain 'relevent' in this fast-paced world, therefore, the need for profit is expected but it could be argued that Condé Nast could be exploiting its sources to engage its audience.  

Closure of print edition research

1) Why does the BBC suggest “Teen Vogue’s digital game is strong”?

  • BBC suggests that Teen Vogues digital game is strong because of its strong presence on their online platforms with having, 3.36 million Twitter followers, 2.76 million Instagram followers aswell as their own story channel on snapchat .

2) What does the BBC suggest is responsible for the Teen Vogue website’s success?

  • Teen Vogue create personal headlines that relate to audiences as they are in the first person as if the editor is recounting their own experience directly to the reader .

3) How did Teen Vogue justify the closure of the print magazine?

  • Teen Vogue stated that they needed to 'modernise and calibrate' which suggested they needed to find another way to stay within the relevance of mainstream media .

4) In the BBC article, David Hepworth suggests there is a risk to going digital-only. What is it?

  • David Hepworth suggests that "the main risk that comes with cutting the print publication is that it makes it harder for the brand to stand out and differentiate itself from other websites."

5) How do online-only publications make money?

  • They make their money through advertising and sponsorships aswell as selling their customer data .

6) What does Sarah Penny suggest regarding audience consumption for print and digital – and how might it be changing for Generation-Z?

  • Generation Z has an easier time when consuming online media content as compared to millennials.
  • Companies are investing more in digital as it's where more of an impressionable auidinmec resides .
7) What does the New York Times say Conde Nast is known for?
  • The New York Times says Condé Nast is known for its lavish and visually rich designs .
8) The New York Times states that Conde Nast expects to bring in less revenue in 2017 than 2016… by how much?

  • $100 million less .

9) The Folio article also looks at the switch from print to digital. Pick out a statistic that justifies the digital-only approach.

  • '2 million monthly visitors to nearly 9 million'.

10) Finally, Folio also highlights some of the aspects we have studied elsewhere. Pick out two quotes from the article that link to our work on the Teen Vogue audience, representation or design.

  • Teen Vogue‘s young female audience prefers to consume articles on mobile devices and via social media rather than in print magazines.
  • teen Vogue’s ascent from lip gloss authority to the bastion of left-leaning social criticism was almost entirely unrelated to its print magazine.

Social media analysis

1) Look at the Teen Vogue Twitter feed (you don’t need to sign up to Twitter to see it but may need to log-in at home). How many followers does Teen Vogue have?

  • Teen Vogue has 3.36 Million Twitter followers.

2) Now look at the content. Classify the first 20 tweets you can see using the sections on the Teen Vogue website: News & Politics, Fashion, Entertainment, Beauty, Lifestyle, Wellness and Homecoming. What does Twitter feed focus on most? Does this differ to the website?

  • The Twitter feed shifts its focus to many different topics ( such as culture, fashion and lifestyle) but the main topic talked about is politics where Teen vogue can be seen doing things like subtweeting politicians.

3) How are the tweets and headlines written? Can you find examples of clickbait?

  • The tweets and headlines are written in a relatable and 'quirky' style which could be subject to obvious clickbait in which Teen Vogue has been seen doing.
  • An example would be a tweet reading "Cody Simpson and Miley Cyrus are definitively an item 👀" which has a link to a whole article talking about the rumoured celebrity couple. 

4) How does the Twitter feed use videos and images?

  • The twitter account uses video and image to their advantage as twitter has a word limit of 140 characters so by using visual material its easier to engage and audience. 

5) Analyse the Teen Vogue Facebook page. How many ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ do they have?

  • 5.8 million likes
  • 5.7 million followers

6) Click on the Videos link on the left-hand menu. What type of content do the videos feature? Does this differ to the website or Twitter feed?

  • content offered is awareness, especially amongst females, and overall just empowering content aswell as small snippets of celebrity life videos and Behind The Scenes of pop culture media 

7) Now look at the Events tab to explore past events. What are these events and what do they tell us about how audiences interact with the Teen Vogue brand?

  • Their are events for summits and meet and greets with influencers and other celebrities
  • This shows the personal touch Teen Vigue aims to create within its connection with its readers 

8) Go to the Teen Vogue Instagram page. How many followers do they have on Instagram?

  • 2.7 million followers

9) How does the Instagram feed differ from other social media channels?

  •   The Instagram feed features exclusive photos from many different topics from celebrity news to links and hints to articles on the current website timeline 

10) What examples of digital convergence and synergy can you find on Teen Vogue social media including the Teen Vogue YouTube channel? (E.g. opportunities to engage with the brand across different platforms).

  • The expansions to youtube channels that have millions of subscribers and followers that allow ads and AdSense aswell as liberty to like or dislike and comment on your own opinions


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