Magazine practical task research

1) Use your lesson notes on magazine genres and conventions to view a range of potential magazine covers. Create a shortlist of three potential magazines and embed an example front cover from each one.
1) empire -film magazine

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2) Select your chosen magazine to create a new edition for and explain the thinking behind your choice.

i am going to select the magazine Empire' as my chosen magazine because its a film magazine that has a conventional magazine design and I can experiment with my models on the front cover.I want to create a new representation for women in film so I would like to create model that have a hint of androgyny that still  accentuates  Feminity . I want to create a unique front cover.

3) Find three different front covers for your chosen magazine and embed them in your blogpost. Analyse the fonts, colours and typical design. What is the language or writing style? How are the cover lines presented? You need to become an expert in the design and construction of this magazine and its branding.

Font:the font for the main title is big and bold and the colour blends into the colour scheme , as for the cover lines the fonts usually link to the genre of film the magazine  is featuring such as fantastical beasts that has a classic style font that goes with the genre of London Fantasy, and the last Jedi that is more sci-fi and modern
Colours: as for colours the magazine chooses three colours that will be the main focus on the front cover they all stand out and create the film genre feeling
Design: I said before that this is a conventional magazine and therefore has suspected cover lines price genre and barcodes.
Language: The language is quite modernised and works works to intrigue audiences from a younger demographic as well as still appeal to an older demographic


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