Advertising: Narrative in advertising

1) How does the advert use narrative? 

  • the advertisement uses narratives that all connect together. The narrative suggests that London has a lot of diversity. Diversity is a topic closely linked to Nike as they promote a lot of it through their adverts and products
2) How does the advert use celebrities and less well-known people to create stories in the advert?]

  • The use of celebrities make the advert popular , but the fact of the use of less well known people suggests that Nike wants to show that not only celebrities can wear their products but also normal everyday people can too
  • the use of less well known people allows an element of realism to be introduced and the audiences can feel welcomed 
3) How did the advert use technical codes (camerawork, mise-en-scene, editing etc.) to help create narratives that could connect with the audience?

  • the advert uses multiple camera angles such as hand held shots, low and high angle shots to create a huge sense of realism aswell which emphasised the welcoming of audiences and consumers
  • the use of the corner shop opening empahisises  
4) What representation of London does the advert offer?

The advert offers a diverse representation of London that has a variety of different people in the advert. It also shows a sense of community in the advert as we see celebrities mix with less well know"regular" people who are seen as getting Along well with each other with no visible hierarchy. Overall the advert represents a positive representation of London.

5) Why might this advert appeal to an audience?

This advert would appeal to auidience as it features celebrities who have loyal fan bases which makes it likely for them to enjoy the advertisement.Also the blend of celebrity and "regular"people allows a sense of reality and humanity to the advertisement as it shows that even regular people like the auidience can enjoy the same products as celebrities as they are equal. Lastly, the use of a corner shop, London streets and roads make the auidience able to identify with the the advert as they are able to recognise what a corner shop is and how London streets are which makes the advert apleasing to audiences 


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