MIGRAIN: Ideology - final tasks

Page 34: The World Of Mockingjay: Ideology, Dystopia And Propaganda

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

the article discusses the dystopian representation of a capitalist society in the hungergames movie : the mockingjay.

2) What view of capitalist ideology is presented in the Hunger Games films?

the main capitalistic proxy in the movie is president snow who diverts the corruptions and disasters through propaganda and the media media, using constant repeats of previous ‘Hunger Games’ and airing the current ones live on TV to distract the masses from organising a revolution to stop the corruption.

3) What do the Hunger Games films suggest about the power of the media to shape and influence ideological beliefs?

the hunger games suggests that the media pushes audience into what they want them to see, they can pick and choose what the want audiences and the public to believe.

Page 48: They Live - Understanding Ideology

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

this article discusses the moderen influences on society

2) What are the four accepted ideological beliefs in western societies highlighted by the article?

  • women should look after their appearance
  • women should behave in feminine ways
  •  people should work hard for their money
  •  people should put their families first

3) What does Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggest about power and ideology in society?

gramsci suggests that society is controlled by a super elite power that controls the people of society subconsciously which can be dangerous as we are then subject to manipulation and propaganda etc

4) What does French theorist Louis Althusser suggest about ideology and consumerism?

 He suggests that  greatest material power dominates us and our  everyday lives through powers such as  the government and military they also use  fear and regulation  to influence us

5) Do YOU agree with the idea behind They Live - that we are unthinkingly controlled by the media which is run in the interests of the economic elite? These are the big questions of A Level Media!

i  agree that we are unconsciously controlled by the media, the media provides us with many ways and outlets of competing tasks such as google , checking weather and new etc... so if the media is to subtly use our everyday use to their advantage they can easily do so as when we check our phones or doing something on our phones we are so submerged into what we are doing we sometimes dont realise if we have accidentally liked something or accidentally singed up for something.


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