Public service broadcasting

Ofcom report

1) How does the report suggest that TV viewing is changing?

TV viewing is changing as many people are increasingly viewing content in different ways, on television and on devices(phones,tablets etc...). young people aren't viewing PSB'S as much as they used to , before the rise in smart phones and the internet.

2) What differences are highlighted between younger and older viewers?

The age gap for viewers is widening.Viewers  who were aged 65+ watched an average of 5 hours 44 minutes in 2016 where as viewers  aged 16-24 years watched an average of 1 hour 54 minutes.The average daily viewing for children and 16-24 year old each fell by 10 minutes, whereas viewing by over 65 year old  increased by 2 minutes. 

3) Does the report suggest audiences are satisfied with public service broadcasting TV channels?

yes , PSB's are still highly valued and satisfaction within aspects are increasing. 78% of viewers of any PSB channel claim to be satisfied with PSB's. This is due ther fact that the main reason viewers watch PSB's is to get informed for information and understand the world better, also 75% of viewers agreed that they are trustworthy 

4) Public service broadcasting channels are a major aspect of the UK cultural industries. How much money did PSB channels spend on UK-originated content in 2016? 

The PSB channels spent a total of £2.6bn on UK-originated content in 2016

Goldsmiths report

1) What does the report state has changed in the UK television market in the last 20 years?

the rapid increase of new technology and channels has lead to a rise in accessibility for consumers as well as a change in consumer behavior among the younger generation. 

2) Look at page 4. What are the principles that the report suggests need to be embedded in regulation of public service broadcasting in future?

ofcom should ensure high quality content, fair and diverse products (inclusion of minority groups)
and constant monitoring.

3) What does the report say about the BBC?

BBC is one of the most significant PSB's in British television market. however its at risk of other technological advances and competitors.though the BBCS'S liscence fee is vulnerable and needs to find another way to collect its money as many people arent in favor of paying for it monthly when they dont even watch it.   

4) According to the report, how should the BBC be funded in future?

 the report suggests that the BBC should us  a more progressive funding mechanism such as a tiered platform-neutral household fee or funding through taxation.

5) What does the report say about Channel 4?
  Channel 4 has a critical place with  independent production sector and airing content aimed specifically at diverse audiences. It has remained flexible and it has moved
with the times and the report thinks other platforms should learn from it.

6) How should Channel 4 operate in future?

 the report Channel 4 should not be privatised

7) Look at page 10 - new kids on the block. What does the report say about new digital content providers and their link to public service broadcasting?

the report says that it believes  that the growing contribution to a digital media ecology made by these cultural institutions should be boosted by a specific public intervention. 

Final questions - your opinion on public service broadcasting

1) Should the BBC retain its position as the UK’s public service broadcaster?

i dont think the BBC should retain its position as the uks public service broadcaster because it provides informative content aswell as entertainment that can fit all ages. Its been the uks main PSB for a significant amount of time and the UK have gotten used to the idea of the BBC being the informative source of the country so i think its best kept as it is 

2) Is there a role for the BBC in the 21st century digital world?

yes as the 21st century digital world still needs to be informed and still needs to understand things like world news, politics , weather etc...
3) Should the BBC funding model (license fee) change? How?

i think the licences fee should change as not as many people tune into the BBC so they shouldn't be obligated to pay £15.00 a month when they dont watch it as frequently . They should change there fees into advertisement fees as that way the public shouldn't have to pay for it.


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