Brand values task 100-10-1


This brand,created by the popular K-POP boy band BTS,its a collaboration project with BTS and Line friends.The band has created 8 characters that have multiple strands of merchandise that loyal fans of the group can buy and use  such as clothes, skin care products , plushies terms of dyers lines of appeal this brand relates to:Childhood - can appeal to either nostalgia or to nurturing instincts and Successful careers.This brands values are most likely to have good quality , warm hearted products that make their target audience happy and content and possibly gain a personal relationship with the band,.

The brands values in 10 words: bringing people together to connect with BTS and their fans 

BT21 in one word: connection


Image result for tk maxx logoTK maxx is a department store chain, selling at prices generally lower than other major similar stores.The brands values are most likely getting a mixture of brands and selling them for more affordable prices with good deals terms of dyers lines of appeal this brand probably belongs to happy families as the store also sells home ware baby items etc.. it would also fit into Beautiful women - men AND women like looking at beautiful women, so the thinking goes: men admire them, women admire what makes the men admire them. aswell as Self-importance & pride The brands values in 10 words: mixing popular brands together with affordable prices and making you feel good tk maxx in one word: affordable
3RD BRAND:GUCCIImage result for GUCCIGucci is an Italian luxury brand of fashion and leather goods. this brand most likely appeals to the more wealthy part of the population and therefore belongs in Rich, luxurious lifestyles - aspirational ,Elite people or experts and Successful careers. Due to this brands high and expensive price range it probably has high standards for its quality in products and ensures every products is made to perfection.The brands values in 10 words: high quality products suited for luxury lifestyles but in high price gucci in one word: expensive 


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