MIGRAIN October assessment learner response

    WWW:overall, a strong paper with good focus on the questions and a good deal of detail from the texts for analysis.
EBI:you need to apply media theory and use accurate media terminology as often as possible to develop your evaluative skills.

2) question 1: Frequent appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout.

     question 2: Excellent knowledge and understanding of the influences of the social and cultural contexts on media products that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective reference to the set products.
question 3 :good understanding  and knowledge of the influences of genres on media audiences and industries that is sometimes supported by generally appropriate examples that are sometimes effective 
question 4:• Judgements and conclusions regarding the application of reception theoryare perceptive and fully supported with detailed reference to specific aspects of the set product.
• Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout.

  For my missing theories and terminology I could've have used props theory for my question 2 in order to boost my marks or I could've used more narrative theories in my answer to show a wider range of knowledge .for my question 2 I could've used terminology from semiotics to sophisticate my answer such as iconography and index etc... Instead of going of on examples on question 3 I should've stuck to the question and made my points more short and concise .lastly for my question 4 I needed to solidify my understanding of recpwtion theory and use the word cover lines instead "writing".

My strongest question  was 2  where I scored 7 marks out of 12 I feel I did better on this question as I went into a lot of detail with my explainations and descriptions in order to effectively support my ideas 

My weakest question was 3 where I scores question four out of five , I fell I got this because I didn't use a theory I just explained and described genre.

Genre is important for both the media producers and audiences as it allows them to distinguish each film and categorise them. For example there are many film that have a connecting film or narrative.
Media producers find genre really important as they find that utilising key aspects of genera allows an enjoyable experience for the auidience and In turn a susccessful film .As stated by Abercrombie " media producers set out to exploit media conventions it makes sound economic sense" this theory supports this as it shows that media producers repeatedly use key aspects in film to make them successful these create loyal fans and then loyal fan bases as they enjoy the reappeared motifs the media products convey.
Genre is also important for auidience as well as it allows them to become loyal to certain type of film (comic con) and Abercrombies theory clearly supports this because if the auidience knows what the film may be about due to its film poster or producers the audience is more likely to enjoy the conventions as they know what they are going to expect and whether or not they are going to enjoy the film 


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