audience theory 2

1) Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence?

no i do not agree that the media is responsible for anti social behavior as its up to the media consumer to think morally to act as a murder or something negative in society. Which the media cant take the blame for.

2) How is social learning theory relevant in the digital age? Are young people now learning behaviour from social media and the internet? Give examples.

Yes due to influential people like vloggers, youtubers who are very relatable to young people. The impact they have on young people is huge , for example things like the roast yourself challenge, kylie jenner lip challenge have all been created by social media influencers who have a large following

4) Read this introduction to an academic paper on technopanics. What examples are given of technopanics that create fear in society?

child safety, digital privacy and cyber security

5) How does the author suggest that technopanics should be addressed - rather than through government regulation?

Ongoing societal learning, experimentation, resilliency and coping strategies

6) Do you think the internet should be regulated? Should the government try and control what we can access online?

 yes especially for young people who are new to technology and the elderly who are also new to it as they be at risk of entering dangerous websites, viewing inappropriate content and at risk of fraud, spam etc..

7) Apply Gerbner's cultivation theory to new and digital media. Is the internet creating a fearful population? Are we becoming desensitised to online threats, trolling and abuse?

Gerbner's cultivation theory suggests that heavy internet users are more susceptible to media messages and the idea that they are real and valid . I believe this relates to the digital era as many people , especially young people, are being influenced by social influencers and celebrities whether they are bad or good which can have both negative or positive impact.if media creators carry on creating fearful content and the platforms dont regulate the content being put out  then media consumers are going to be "destined" to be fearful of the world because there will be nothing but negative content online.

8) Is heavy internet use something we should be worried about in society? How would you define 'heavy internet use'?

to me, heavy internet use is when an individual uses the internet for everything and uses no other media outlook/platform which can lead to addiction etc...
 heavy internet use is something we should be worried about because , many people can addicted or they may come across spam, fraud or dangerous websites in general and may be in danger of criminals or cyber crime etc...


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