My media consumption

When it comes to media consumption I don’t really step out my comfort zone as much as I should be.

I don’t read any newspapers anymore  as everything is on the internet , however I used to  read them.
When I did read them I would always go to the top stories that were on the front cover as they would always interest me and I used to enjoy learning about the different events that occurred that day or week or month. I never used to go to the sports section of the paper as that never really interested me.
Usually the stories that interested me were world news and ,sometimes, celebrity news this is because I was always intruiged  into how other countries operated and what different challenges they faced. Now that I have my own phone I look at online newspapers but I don’t really have a specific paper  that I check top stories , I just look at which ever one is more recent.

I don’t really but magazines nor do I check them out online because they just never really appeal to me

approximately, I spend around 4 hours a week on television which isn’t a lot because I find television quite boring nowadays so I usually watch YouTube or Netflix and or anime . However when I do watch television it’s usually in the evening with my family . In terms of programmes I watch my favourites on Netflix and my favourites might be Riverdale, Stranger Things  etc .. but I also watch anime and some of my favourite series are called attack on Titan, Tokyo ghoul and Darling in the franxx. I don’t really watch catch up tv or tv on demand as I don’t watch tv series on the television
I watch my programmes usually on my phone or laptop.

I do occasionally listen to the radio and I usually listen to music stations but when I’m the the car with my parents they listen to the news or LBC . I enjoy music stations as they play some of my favourite music and I do enjoy listening to the conversation stations as they help me catch up on life and world events. I listen to the radio everyday when I’m in the car whilst I’m travelling so i don’t really have an approximate amount of time.

I haven’t seen any movies recently in the cinema however on Netflix I watched the new rom-coms “to all the boys I’ve loved before” And “Sierra burgess is a loser” . I watched these films with my cousins and we mutually decided to watch them on our laptop

I use the internet everyday and i do it almost always from my phone and sometimes on a laptop or computer . I can be anywhere when I access the internet from my phone but when I use my laptop I usually am at home . I frequently access YouTube , Netflix , Crunchyroll and just google when it comes to reasearch etc.. and I also access Instagram, Twitter and snapchat. I use Instagram , Twitter and snapchat to communicate with my friends and share photos and catch up on celebrity and world news.

To develop my variety of media consumption I feel like I could buy newspapers and magazines aswell as download news apps on my phone and keep up to date with more frequent news. To do this I will get the guardian newspaper on my phone and download the bbc news app aswell as watch the news on the television. Also I will try to watch more actual television series and movies to help me at A level


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