The Sims FreePlay - Representation blog tasks
Textual analysis Re-watch some of the expansion pack trailers and answer the following questions: 1) How do the expansion pack (DLC) trailers reinforce or challenge dominant ideologies? In terms of Gender the trailers both reinforce and challenge ideologies through how the females and males are portrayed. For example, in the expansion packs for teens, the females aren't dressed in skirts or dresses instead they are in more comfortable gender neutral clothes , however the trailer does reinforce some gender roles . In one scene, a female avatar is scene to fall in to the male avatar's arms which effectively reinforces the role of submissive behaviour amongst women (bell hooks) . However in the chic boutique trailer, we can see a very feminine male who could connote to being gay which hints to positive LGBTQ representations . The trailer portrays the avatar enrolling in 'Sim High' which is a social standard for young adolescents . This is a rather neut...